Looking forward with a theme. I'm not big on resolutions, but I have come to appreciate the concept of a yearly theme that can help guide one's decisions and assist in keeping things heading in an …
Tech Photo Guy: the Blog
Straight Out of Camera is Mostly Irrelevant
Would you suggest an author publish their first draft as a finished work? A few weeks ago I was giving a presentation on artificial intelligence (AI) to the American Society of Photographers based …
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Why Bloom?
What is the Bloom email optin plugin and why should you care? I frequently mention that email marketing is one of the least-used but most valuable marketing options for photographers. If you’re not …
The iPhone 13 is a Great Camera That Also Makes Phone Calls
Great photos! You must have a really nice camera! I don’t often write up a detailed “review” of the iPhone and its photography capabilities, but after having used the iPhone 13 Pro for about a …
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How to Create an iPhone Camera iOS 15 Focus
How about photography, uninterrupted? iOS 15 brings Focus, a new feature that allows for extensively-customizable configuration for notifications, combined with automation for when the changes …
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Do You Heart My Opened Likes?
You’re so vain, you probably think this article is about you. Let’s admit we can all have a bit of internet vanity at times. As we share our photography, post to social media, or send an email to …